Register for access to the provider portal

If you have not yet registered for access to the portal please contact the team via email at  to request a username and password which will then be emailed to you. 

Guidance notes and support

Please see the latest guidance notes which will help you to complete an online headcount and supplementary headcount claim. The guidance notes are the first place you should look for help with completing the claim.
If you have any issues logging into the online portal or any technical issues with the online claim process then please email

Headcount dates and deadlines

Term Headcount Week Submission Deadline Dates
Autumn 30 September - 6 October 2024              6 October 2024
Spring  13 January - 19 January 2025 19 January 2025
Summer  12 May - 18 May 2025 18 May 2025


If you do not submit your headcount claim by the deadline your payment will be significantly delayed.

Supplementary claims

As per Clause 14.17 of the EEF Funding Agreement, Providers can submit a supplementary claim for the following children: 
  1. Three and four year old children who take up a universal place after the headcount week;
  2. Disadvantaged two year old children who take up a place after the headcount week;
  3. Children who take up working families entitlement after the headcount week providing the child's parent was found to be eligible by HMRC prior to the beginning of the term the child became age eligible;
  4. Eligible children who increase their hours of attendance after the headcount week.

Payment dates

Providers will have the option of receiving 12 monthly payments or 1 interim payment in the first month of each term followed by a final balance in the last month of each term as detailed below.  Options 1 & 2 below outlines the two options, along with the payment terms and dates.   
Option 1 - Monthly Payments September to August
Term Interim Payment Dates Interim Payment Period Interim Payment Amount Balancing Payment Date Balancing Payment Period
Autumn 07 September 
07 October
07 November
25% of provider estimate
25% of provider estimate
25% of provider estimate
07 December December
Spring 07 January
07 February
35% of provider estimate
35% of provider estimate
07 March March
Summer 07 April
07 May
07 June
07 July
20% of provider estimate
20% of provider estimate
20% of provider estimate
20% of provider estimate
07 August August


Option 2 - One Interim and One Final Balance Payment Each Term

Term Interim Payment Dates Interim Payment Period Interim Payment Amount Balancing Payment Date Balancing Payment Period
Autumn 07 September September to November 75% of provider estimate 07 December December
Spring 07 January January to February 70% of provider estimate 07 March March
Summer 07 April April to July 80% of provider estimate 07 August August



Claiming Early Years Pupil Premium

Please submit the EYPP information as part of the on-line headcount or supplementary claims. Detailed information about how to do this can be found in the provider portal guidance notes.